How much exercise is too little? The fit exercise is best. And how to do it? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" >
Exercise may be bad for you if you do too little of it. In fact exercise is bad for you if you only do it on the weekends. This is the supposed time that we have for golf if we are into the American suburbia-scenario. Air max 2011 welcome to your coming, receive information of health on air max 2011, here you can learn what you want to learn and if you want learn. Health is always the most important.
How we have come to believe that eighteen holes on Saturday followed by a high fat high sugar red meat dinner at the clubhouse makes any kind of fitness sense is a bit of a mystery. Who can really believe that this is enough to maintain healthiness, to say nothing about ramping up fitness levels? That we think so is in part due to the demands of our lives-- the stress of commuting, and the pressure of our sit-down jobs at the office. These activities are so exhausting that we can think of nothing other afterward than dinner and TV before going to bed. That leaves time for little other than perhaps communicating with the kids. Women air max shoes and men air max shoes on air max shoes. Nice to share them with you.
Of course, not everyone plays golf. Some of us go to the health club on the weekends. Possibly this is done on Saturday morning, before rewarding ourselves at the Golden Arches. But this is generally little more than thirty to forty-five minutes on the Nordic Track . For some of us, who think we are really into fitness, this first weekend "workout" may even be enhanced by a second on Sunday in place of church.
Scenarios such as these--five days off, two day on at best--are simply not good enough. Some may think that they are better than nothing-, that is better than merely sitting around on the weekends.But, that is questionable. When we are anchored to our desks all week, always under pressure to complete tasks, we need more physical exertion on a daily basis just to alleviate the stress. If we do not get it, trusting that we will make up for it on the weekends, we are headed for trouble, especially in the summer heat. How can we all not know this?
Perhaps one of the main reasons that we live this way is that our doctors almost always do the same. Often times their schedules are so crowded that they hardly ever do anything other than their professions, meaning that they never get to the club. Many even unconsciously stay clear of such places to maintain the image of "carrying the world on their shoulders." Moreover, they generally spend their day first sitting in morning staff meetings before hospital rounds, then continuing on non-stop to see patients and perform operations. This is seen as admirable both by them and everyone who knows them.
MDs are role models for us. Nearly everyone secretly admires these American replacements for British sirs and dames, always calling them by their title. That is supposedly because they know what is best for us-- a deserved reputation resulting from two graduate degrees, followed by a lengthy residency and years of private practice. If anyone knows best how to live, it must be them; or so we all believe.
However, we still have to ask if we have ever seen an MD in the kind of shape that we aspire to be in. Granted, most MDs may not be overweight, but how many really look as healthy as models (not all of whom are thirty years our junior) in the fitness magazines? Does this not suggest that we are expecting too much from the wrong people?
Unconsciously, we regard our doctors as examples of the best possible way to live.This happens at a level beneath our awareness whenever we go for our check-ups or essential operations. During these experiences, we seldom do much other than ask "Am I OK," or When will I get better?" But all the while we are looking to them for clues on how to live. And, that is both how and why we can erroneously believe that a life of all work, no supplements, grocery store food and no workout is actually best.
This is the reason that we need to have a personal trainers as well as a family doctors.This second group of people can guide us in the maximizing of our healthiness, whereas the MD cannot. In other words, MDs can and will keep us safe from disease and major health problems, but they cannot show us how to go from OK to fit. In fact, most would not even encourage us to do so, even if we specifically asked them. Instead, they would dismiss our aspirations, implying that we were interested in nothing other than vanity or living out a second childhood. Air max outlet have more information about health. Welcome to your coming and nice to serve you. thank you.
The lives that MDs lead are honorable to be sure. They is intense, dedicated and for our highest well-being. But they are not examples of anything which will make us think, look and feel any differently than we currently do. We may believe that they will; but they will not. That is because they are all about work all week, with a little golf, or treadmill at the club on the weekend. Theoretically, that is how MDs live; though most are on weekend call, being unable to do even that.
Some of us may compartmentalize our doctors influence. In other words, we may already know that what they have to do and say should remain relevant only in relation to check-ups, prescriptions, procedures and operations. But most of us are not this sophisticated. Instead we are like children who look up to these people as authorities on how to live, specifically how to be fit--fit like we want to be. But almost all MDs do not know anything about this first hand.
That is why we all either need to use our heads about fitness, or enlist the services of a personal trainer. Everyone who cares about looking and feeling fit needs daily exercise, adequate supplementation and proper diet. These are neither practiced nor preached by the medical community. Until they are, if they ever will be, we need the counsel of someone other in addition to them. The least expensive sources are our own thoughts or those which can be found in the inter-net's talks and writings of the late Jack Lalanne.
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